republic of guinea artinya
- republic: republik; negara; negara hukum; demokrasi
- guinea: guinea; french guinea; guinea perancis
- republic of equatorial guinea: guinea khatulistiwa; spanish guinea; republik guinea khatulistiwa; equatorial guinea
- Kambia District borders the Republic of Guinea to the north, Port Loko District to the south and Bombali District to the east.
Distrik Kambia berbatasan dengan Republik Guinea di utara, Distrik Port Loko di selatan dan Distrik Bombali di timur. - The North borders the Western Area to the West, the Republic of Guinea to the north-east, the Eastern Province and Southern Province to the south-east.
Utara berbatasan dengan Wilayah Barat di Barat, dengan Republik Guinea di timur laut, Provinsi Timur dan Provinsi Selatan di tenggara.